Earn money…learn knowledge
In the period of our generation average
yearly costs of education continue to increase all around the country. According
to a research in the year of 2010 -2014 total cost fees,
room and board ,including tuition books and supplies transportation and other expenses are more
than 10 lakhs for four year private colleges and universities and for entertainment also. As anxiety
rises concerning the escalating costs of schooling ,students are left with the
decision of how to fund their education . some take out loans , or qualify for
grants or scholarships .others , however are left to pay their own way by means
part time employment . Regarding some studies , 80 percent of all college
students are employed while completing their undergraduate education .
But in this generation are fast and quick . they are trying to earn money ,and they have unique ideas about how to make money without any investment .Students who earn their own money tend to spend it wisely .part time jobs are often tough , and hard earned money can be painful to part with .in short students are mere likely to save their money for necessities such as text book and rent. part time jobs are guiding students to manage their extra activities. because ,the students are mostly approaching which they are very interesting to do. and most students can do work from home also.
The time management is important when the students are doing part time jobs. The students with jobs have little free time. This predisposes them to become more organized and better planners , learning weight, deadlines etc. and also students will get an introduction to a career or area of interest their hope to go into after education .regarding some studies part time jobs can provide students with a skill set much in dim and by graduate employees .
According to a survey in 2015 , indicated that eight out off ten [77%] students are now working part time to help fund their studies. But some students are feel that a part time job will be to the detriment of their studies . its not easy to balance the two and still enjoy a social life , but lot of students do manage it .
The other side of the part time job is 87% students are developing additional skills and bulking their CV were both important reason for getting a job while studying. there are lots of opportunities available in our society. So start to do something which you more interesting, that will give a bright future.
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