Part Time Jobs and Students
Many students nowadays are wondering whether they should get a part time jobs.There are many pros and cons of having a part time jobs during studies.Many people claim that main aim of students is to study hard so that they get good marks and get a degree that offers them better paid jobs.
I personally believe that there are more advantages of having a part time job.Many people often say that students score less marks in the exams as they spend their precious time in doing job rather than studying.Another reason they give is that students fail to do projects and assignments and often fail in subjects.
In other words people just think that part time jobs are only to reduce grades.According to me part time jobs helps students learn many skills that they might not have the opportunity to learn in college.Part time jobs teaches how to manage time.Students doing Part time jobs will manage time and study well at the same time. Having a part time jobs teaches a person how to communicate with people.another easy way is online jobs.
The best way for people to learn is to come out of their comfort zone.When people are out of their comfort zone they learn the most.Once a student earns money,he comes to know the value of it.They will also understand their parents problems and will come to know that money doesn't grow on trees.Student who is having a part time job is ready to face the obstacles in his life.Having a part time job teaches student sharp skills which they will need all throughout their career and lives.
I personally believe that there are more advantages of having a part time job.Many people often say that students score less marks in the exams as they spend their precious time in doing job rather than studying.Another reason they give is that students fail to do projects and assignments and often fail in subjects.
In other words people just think that part time jobs are only to reduce grades.According to me part time jobs helps students learn many skills that they might not have the opportunity to learn in college.Part time jobs teaches how to manage time.Students doing Part time jobs will manage time and study well at the same time. Having a part time jobs teaches a person how to communicate with people.another easy way is online jobs.
The best way for people to learn is to come out of their comfort zone.When people are out of their comfort zone they learn the most.Once a student earns money,he comes to know the value of it.They will also understand their parents problems and will come to know that money doesn't grow on trees.Student who is having a part time job is ready to face the obstacles in his life.Having a part time job teaches student sharp skills which they will need all throughout their career and lives.
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