Students part time job is common in this generation. Currently , student part time employment becomes a popular phenomenon in universities and colleges .urban people are more doing the part time job. .However , student part time employment is often in spontaneous nature and closely unorganized which has a big influence on each student especially in terms of learning performance. The student part time employment has been widely researched by many scientists in the world but Vietnam where none of the research involved in the student part time employment is published internationally .
According to one research study , students demand of part time employment increases with age from 20 up to -22 and up to 50% for students aged 23 and older . for the study course, the percentage of student part time employment is low for first year students, gradually increases in second year and third year students and strongly increases for students after fourth year .
result also reflects the reality when first year students are still new to surroundings and new learning environment so the number of students who take a part time job is not much. Students of older courses are getting used to the learning basic knowledge about which they are interesting., especially students of after the fourth year due to studying two majors, or resume some subjects with fewer weekly sessions,
they have more free time so the percentage of part-time employment also increases. most students are approaching part time job for developing their CV and getting experience.The research result is consistent with the conclusions of the dependence of the part-time employment demand on the age as mentioned above, but for the study course, the percentage of students taking part-time employment drops suddenly for fourth-year students,because these students are more bothered about future and working hard for more experience.
which is quite natural when they are busy learning graduation subjects, preparing graduation thesis so the percentage of fourth-year students taking part-time employment decreases. This is a trend showing students’ appropriate awareness to adjust and balance part-time employment to fit their learning duty.
they have more free time so the percentage of part-time employment also increases. most students are approaching part time job for developing their CV and getting experience.The research result is consistent with the conclusions of the dependence of the part-time employment demand on the age as mentioned above, but for the study course, the percentage of students taking part-time employment drops suddenly for fourth-year students,because these students are more bothered about future and working hard for more experience.
which is quite natural when they are busy learning graduation subjects, preparing graduation thesis so the percentage of fourth-year students taking part-time employment decreases. This is a trend showing students’ appropriate awareness to adjust and balance part-time employment to fit their learning duty.
For reasons of taking part time job : with 70% students selected taking part time employment is to
Status of student part time employment : the majority of students choose simple jobs which do not require specialized skills, 40% of students chose jobs related to catering, reception in coffee shops, restaurants meanwhile 22% of students chosen jobs related to sales, marketing and trading products, goods, data entry work, home based works, sales person which big malls etc.but some of the students are very conscious about their status in their own friends group. because they trying to make the status high level.
Effect of part time job : In term of effect of part-time employment, 59% of surveyed students said that part-time employment could affect their learning performance or their health. Students said that part-time employment made them have less time for learning. and also getting basic awareness about the working period,problems which they already facing during the time of part time job,making them good behavior,because its helping them how to behave customers , and also the management . so these will help to get good future.
after surveying learning results, part-time employment does not affect the academic performance of the students except students who do jobs of “deliverer, leafleted”. Obviously, these jobs require students to be outdoor, take their time and health but they not bring about skills and knowledge.
If students spend too much time on the jobs of this sector, they are easy to have a decline in health as well as learning outcomes. because students are getting practical knowledge about the particular subject or the department. so it will not effect students academics. From this conclusion, it is thought that the career consultancy for students needs to be considered and promoted by the school
If students spend too much time on the jobs of this sector, they are easy to have a decline in health as well as learning outcomes. because students are getting practical knowledge about the particular subject or the department. so it will not effect students academics. From this conclusion, it is thought that the career consultancy for students needs to be considered and promoted by the school
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